
 See, watch or be seen ?

Regards affiche 2m X 0,80mIn these contexts of fragmentation and destruction, everything mixes. The verticality of powers is not conducive to human dialogue and sharing.

Graphic arts respond to contexts. Sculptures echo other space-times. Cutting wood, drying time, time listening to the wood, looking at it, reading the stigmata and researching the fibers, the knots, the meaning and sense it transmits. sculpture bois, couple avec Ombrelle h: 2m05

Between rain and sun, the umbrella - parasol has become essential. This sculpture adopted it.

sculpture bois, couple sous Ombrelle h: 2m05  sculpture bois, couple sous Ombrelle h: 2m05  sculpture bois, couple sous Ombrelle h: 2m05    Regard p3 749

Between visible and invisible

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