Hyphen and Union Points

 Tu pc 52Anonymous crowd, face to face with the public in an outside installation.

Everybody appears through this imaginary cross, in each missing part calling and sharing us. neither preestablished answers nor programmed interactivities, only memories, interactive modes and many ways about it.

NotreInfrajj gds corps travail est une recherche de mise en conscience, de réflexion et mise en abîme de la fragmentation de la société et atomisation du tissu social. Il s’agit de formes de destruction des solidarités qui génèrent de l'isolement et de la violence, traduite formellement par les manques partagés, par le morcellement et par les vides.


The public's gift will bring bodies and identity to the anonymous body/drawing/volume.

It's a way to find oneself back, looking for comon points uniting us with vibrations in th space,as echo, as language, as hyphen, in a hand to hand or face to face extrapolated with oneself.

      Corps anonyme 3 18          Corps anonyme 2 18 Numeric extrapolations printed in subligraphy on chromalux 
  Anonymous Body ' Infrajj expo flc 3794Technic : thermo-re-formed plastic films (bags) or "meditative" material (not collected nor recycled)

    G corps a4 18 Scale: 100% human Cl180918 pc tu826

                                                      Cl180918 pc tu829                


Cl180918 pc tu036











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15-16th of september 2018, Cultural Heritage Days.  ENCUENTROS / ITINERARIOS con y en casa del pintor Pascal BOST en CHÂTEAU-LANDON



Tu pc 50